Contact details

Most of our services are based in the Town Hall

Emergency services

Services Phone number
Adult and Children's social care 01325 406111 Emergency duty team: 01642 524552 or Minicom: 01642 602346
Fallen trees Urgent issues with fallen trees: 07966 347101
Highways Highways emergency number: 07966 347101
Homelessness Emergency homelessness number: 01642 524552
Housing Repairs Emergency repairs number: 01325 405333
Reporting needles 01325 405111, option 5
Marriages and civil partnerships Urgent marriages and civil partnerships: 07932 538910

Other services

Lifeline Service

The lifeline service is unaffected by this maintenance, your pendant or pull cord will work as usual.

Darlington hippodrome

If you would like to purchase tickets for a show you can still contact the Box Office via phone on 01325 405405.

Hopetown Darlington

Except for tickets for today, you'll still be able to book tickets for all other days via If you wish to visit today, please obtain your free site admission and any additional tickets from the Goods Shed Welcome Desk. We are accepting walks in all day.

DC Bowl

You can still book a lane at DC Bowl either in person or via the phone on 01325 406000.